In 2009, Guyana’s Board of Industrial Training, Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security trained some 375 single parents in a variety of skills. The training areas include Garment Construction, Catering, Cosmetology, Information Technology, Child Care and Care for the Elderly.
The Board partnered with the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG) and other trainers to deliver the training program to the identified clientele. 61 persons were trained at Tuschen Masjid in Garment Construction and in Catering while 40 persons were trained in those areas at the Adelphi Masjid . Having trained 101 persons CIOG was the second largest trainer of the entire program with the largest trainer training 118 persons.
The Ministry launched this program at the Umana Yana where 65,000 dollars (USD$315.00 ) was distributed to 253 persons to purchase basic tools required to start a small business in the trade area in which they were trained.
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