Nine Muslim scholars came together to create a video with the aim to spread a message of peace and an understanding of what Islam truly represents. Muslim leaders are increasingly engaging the war of ideas being waged within Islam.
“We need to shepherd our own flock and to say that, theologically, these things are unacceptable,” said Imam Suhaib Webb, the educational director for the Muslim American Society, a grass-roots group in Santa Clara, Calif., who is among the nine in the video. “The Prophet Muhammad, when on the battlefield, saw that amongst the enemy there were innocent women and children killed, and he was openly angry. He is prohibiting us from killing the innocent. It is very clear.” Taking responsibility for our own actions is a refreshing and productive approach to dealing with the plethora of issues the Muslim world currently faces.
The video’s opening five minutes mimic the style of the Jihadist propaganda videos, with dramatic music in the background and words reading, “Believers Beware: Injustice Cannot Defeat Injustice.” The ultimate goal of this video can be summarized by this simple message. As Edina Lekovic, the director of policy and programming for the Muslim Public Affairs Council said, “The point was to show that no matter where you stand on the religious spectrum, we all have a shared belief and shared outrage by the events that are taking place.”
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