Kifayat Mohammed (b 8 June 1944 d 30 May 2020) to his parents Mom Saliman & Dad Suliman and great grand son of Dookie Meah (arrived on the Fath Al Razack May 30, 1845). He is the brother of Nazir, Shaferan, Shaira, Shafayat, Hazra, Enayat, Rafiyat, Raffina, Shakayat, Jamayat, Dad, Hidayet.
Married Yasmin in 1973, becoming the father of Rihanna, Faadia and Sofiya. His career as an accountant flourished at TnT Mirror newspaper (b 1982 – d 2018) in his homeland Trinidad. Kif migrated to Canada in 1989 with Yasmin and “the girls”. Here along with Raynier Maharaj founded the Caribbean Camera newspaper. He worked at Airpride Inc with Uncle Farooqui. Then he chose to retire to a life of service with Sayeda Khadija Centre (SKC). He moved his family to Brampton from Markham to facilitate an easier commute to SKC.
This recital of Kif’s biodata is insufficient, inadequate as it falls very short in giving us an insight into his measure.
Kif was the exemplary “eye of the storm.” His gentle manner and keen but quiet listening ability gave him the capacity to absorb details then respond with kindness and calm. Uncle Kif, as he was fondly known, remained unruffled and never demonstrated anger in any situation. It was a quality that the many who interacted with him, be it in his private or public capacities, appreciated very much.
His spouse, Yasmin, and the girls were his lasting bond and priority. Uncle Kif and Yasmin had a relationship with emotional stability and a shared spirit of generousity, a natural affinity for each other.
Kif and the girls had a tight bond well into their young adulthood, relying on him to commute to their various destination points. He cared and loved his girls dearly.
As he aged and began to slow down, the role of provider and caregiver reversed. The girls’ Daddy became their centre of attention and nurturing. His failing health necessitated this change, and each stepped up to the challenge of providing tender loving care and comfort to Kiffy in his second childhood.
One of the lasting images of Kiffy (another of his fond names) was the length of his sajdah. SubhanAllah! Kiffy devoted his last decade-plus to service fisabilillah at Sayeeda Khadija Centre (SKC). His dedication, diligence and warmth were critical characteristics in SKC’s foundational years. His interaction with the growing congregation and volunteers contributed to the hospitable and family atmosphere essential to growing SKC.
O Allah, forgive and have mercy upon Uncle Kif; excuse and pardon him. O Allah, he is under Your care and protection; protect him from all trials in the afterlife. Accept him in the Ummah of Muhammad (peace & blessings be upon him), permit our Prophet to intercede on his and our behalf, accept His intercession and grant Uncle Kif and us eternal felicity. Ameen Ya Rabbi