by Raymond Chickrie & Shabnam Ali: Guyana’s largest and most dynamic NGO, the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana, (CIOG) secured a grant from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) of 495,000 USD for a medical centre in Georgetown. This medical centre once completed will serve all Guyanese regardless of race and religion. The CIOG is at the forefront working hard for the social and economic development of Guyana and this has been recognized globally. From here in Persian Gulf, where I currently live, Zakat House of Kuwait is assisting Guyana. And soon Dubai Cares will assist Guyana’s poor in the field of education. Guyana is mention in the history books of Kuwait. Students are taught that Guyana is a country in South America with a Muslim minority. Dr. Jagan visited this country a decade ago and it’s alleged that current President, Bharrat Jagdeo will be in the region in March 2009.
More recently, on December 31, 2008, at a meeting the IDB Board of Executive Directors approved US$ 2.5 Billion Development Fund and Waqf Grants for 2009 for development projects in OIC member states and non-member states. The Board of Executive Directors of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) approved US$ 2.47 billion for 2009 Operational Plan to finance various development projects, technical assistance projects and food security in member countries. Additionally, US$ 357 million in loans will be allocated under the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development in order to fight poverty. Guyana falls under this category, however, Guyana is not a member of the Islamic Development Bank, but Guyana’s President Jagdeo has renewed his promise to join this body soon. Under the Grant from Waqf Funds US$ 495,000 for the establishment of a medical center for Central Islamic Organization of Guyana, Georgetown, and Guyana has been approved and allocated.