Indo-Guyanese Muslims loss of their Mother Tongue – Urdu
After 172 years, since their arrival from India to Guyana in 1838, the Hindustani Muslims have lost their mother tongue, Urdu. The majority of Hindustani…
After 172 years, since their arrival from India to Guyana in 1838, the Hindustani Muslims have lost their mother tongue, Urdu. The majority of Hindustani…
Every Wednesday night, Hissa Hilal steps on to the stage of the popular Abu Dhabi television show The Million’s Poet. As is required of Saudi…
Quiet, soft spoken and self-effacing, Haymad Mohammed is a teacher, charity worker and poet. He teaches at the San Fernando ASJA Primary School and gives…
In his message and in his practice the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) elevated the status of women in the context of his time and our time. …
Trinidad Guardian reported: A Muslim woman, wearing a burka, has the same privileges as anyone else to serve as a juror in the High Court…
Muslims from Suriname, Trinidad and Guyana gathered at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex in observance of Milad-un-Nabi 2010 (Youmam Nabi) in honor of the birth…
Allah says in Surah Tin: “We have indeed created man in the best of mould, then do We reduced Him to the lowest of the…
During the recent Eid-ul-Adha holiday, I went to Lebanon and visited the following places: Beirut, Tripoli (Trablous), Sidon (Saida), Tyre (Sour) and the Bekka Valley….
Access original article in Jamaica Observer here PRESIDENT of the Islamic Council of Jamaica, Mustafa Muhammad, says he agrees with the Sharia law which prescribes…
Allah, the Exalted, says: “Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the poor, the neighbour who…